TECHNOPRENEURSHIP: Incubator Carries On Business to get Technology basis Part 3
In period time that long, resident scholarship on “ box ” alone exclusive, pretend outcast of economy activity. Scholarship the world or we call with education, looked on don't be part of an economic system. Education the world is viewed as a places alone the world be built appreciative glorious, while economy the world is viewed as universalizes that fraught double-dealing, injustice, even pretend world tanpai assesses (value). Viewpoint that dichotomy that, in period so long time can't yet most bridge one good manners. Each party mooring to accentuate and claim as side as correctness the most.
One that needs us to know are that deep economic era that get scholarship basis, education constitutes to form from national development success a state. Even education cans be competitiveness top a state. In other words, education holds strategics role in advance nation economy. And it was proven by new industrial states as Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia, whereabouts by building medium and infrastructure is serious ala education in ten the last years, that nation life qualities ever increasing.
How with Indonesia?. Up to tens of year, education was made by tool power politics, beginning of elementary education until college ladder. Accordingly education walks slow going (too slow), so can't run after change charge. Education has given contribution that significant to happening change or still measly (too little). Even education often times is slowed (too late) in adapts changing, so education drops behind and can't yet answer future daring. Its causal factor is because aught policy over and above patch embroider, also been made headlong ala. Even commanding being assessed haven't had vision and clear commitment educational.
So gets to be said that new Indonesia and doing changing education orientation of education that gets academic basis to education that gets interest basis. Here subject discussion about technopreneurship that needs to be developed. Really is not easily to be performed, but becomes one daring divide to advance this nation on proximately.
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TECHNOPRENEURSHIP: Incubator Carries On Business to get Technology basis Part 2
Changing by changing one happens of an epoch go to next epoch have delivered man enters digital era, an often times era evokes question: what we be still live at today or was living in the forthcoming. This question is evoked because well-nigh all something which originally doesn't be imagined will happen for the moment, with a bump appearance is before we. Pretend future can be pulled faster its existence of time that necessarily, technological upturned blessing information.
Communications technology and telematika's information or technology (information and communication technology –ICT) was admitted the world as one of medium and infrastructure is main to settle the world problems. telematika's technology is known as convergence of communications technology (communication), processing (computing) and information (information) one that dissemination uses multimedia's medium. Problem at the most Indonesian main is how solve digital difference problem that stills huge by grow develop innovation or technopreneur is telematika's industry. Technopreneurship or entrepreneur is technology constitutes to process and formation new effort that involve technology as basis it, with that expectation strategy and innovation creation in point coming can place technology as one of factor for developmental economic national.
Technological area entrepreneur (Technopreneur), notably technological information (TI) need to mark sense freedom in gets innovation, without has most rein by regulation what do on the contrary constrain. Progressively commanding loosen regulation's tights that manage grass root's movement TI's community at Indonesian, therefore will give positive impact as growing its TI Is alone and also its business aspect. It is momentous because understanding experience at the site, whereabouts happening often times bump among behalf warms up effort as unit of business that charges for always comports and get behaviour as entrepreneur and does changes, adjust among aught fact with changed charge and enlarges effort, but on the other side available Commanding behalf that may just at variance with behalf as an unit carry on business. Eventually in technopreneurship is required is ardour dominant competition, in order not to drops behind from turbulensi global business.
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President confident in the growth of 4.5 Percent
It was delivered when the President gave the press after leading the Coordination Meeting on Building Financial Ministries, Jakarta, Wednesday (31/12) evening. The meeting lasted four hours was attended by Coordinating Minister for Economic Plt that dijabat Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Public Works Djoko Kirmanto, said Secretary of State and Minister Hatta Radjasa.
"The growth can be maintained with a fixed figure. This year could reach six percent growth next year but I believe it can be above 4.5 percent. That can be achieved if we all work hard," said the President.
According to President Yudhoyono, this month had occurred deflation. "Although not yet announced by the Central Statistics Agency, but I was informed that the deflation," he added.
President states next year, the government consider increasing the number of fiscal stimulus given to the real sector. "Indeed, until now, the figures have not been determined, because we still count. The government will increase fiscal stimulus," he continued.
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Rules Minimum Capital Insurance Rp 40 billion until 2010
"Increased capital starting from 2010, not 2008 anymore," said Chairman of Bapepam LK Fuad Rahmany in the building of the Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Wednesday (31/12/2008).
Based on the provisions of the PP 39/2008 on Providing business companiesare, each insurance company must have minimum capital of Rp 40 billion at the end of this year.
According to Fuad, a minimum capital of Rp 40 billion of insurance is compulsory filled in the new year 2010. Furthermore, by 2012 should be increased to Rp 70 billion in 2014 and increased to Rp 100 billion.
"The reason for the global crisis so as to increase the capital they need the money now. Now we are in a crisis of liquidity, so it will be delayed to 2010 from 2008," he said.
According to Fuad, PP diteken the new president is a revision of the regulation that Bapepam has issued some time ago, namely the PP 39/2008 on the organization of business companiesare.
"This is the PP, so that the objective of insurance companies larger later the capital," said Fuad.
For a company that can not increase capital, Bapepam suggest they do consolidation.
"To be a stronger industry, so they really can underwrite the risks of insurance. We want the insurance company capital strong," he explained.
Rules minimum capital insurance by the end of 2008 to get the previous protests from the General Insurance Association of Indonesia. If the PP is not canceled, as many as 64 insurance companies could close and be feared impact on the reduction of around 5,000 employees.
TECHNOPRENEURSHIP: Incubator Carries On Business to get Technology basis Part 1
One that needs us to know are that deep economic era that get scholarship basis, education constitutes to form from national development success a state. Even education cans be competitiveness top a state. In other words, education holds strategics role in advance nation economy. And it was proven by new industrial states as Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia, whereabouts by building medium and infrastructure is serious ala education in ten the last years, that nation life qualities ever increasing.
How with Indonesia?. Up to tens of year, education was made by tool power politics, beginning of elementary education until college ladder. Accordingly education walks slow going (too slow), so can't run after change charge. Education has given contribution that significant to happening change or still measly (too little). Even education often times is slowed (too late) in adapts changing, so education drops behind and can't yet answer future daring. Its causal factor is because aught policy over and above patch embroider, also been made headlong ala. Even commanding being assessed haven't had vision and clear commitment educational.
So gets to be said that new Indonesia and doing changing education orientation of education that gets academic basis to education that gets interest basis. Here subject discussion about technopreneurship that needs to be developed. Really is not easily to be performed, but becomes one daring divide to advance this nation on proximately.
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Technopreneurship's generation At Information Era

Economic globalization and information era pushes industry to utilize graduated man resource college which competence and has entrepreneurship soul. But then is not each graduated college have entrepreneurship soul as one wanted by that employment. Fact points out that just plays favorites college grad little that have entrepreneurship soul. On the other side, economic crisis causes to foot up employment barren, and even dwindling because bankrupt. In condition as it, therefore college grad is charged to not only can job seeker personalization but shall also can job creator personalization. Both require entrepreneurship soul. Therefore, in order to college can accomplish that charge, a variety needful innovation amongst those is learning innovation in build technopreneurship's generation at information era now.
There is a that opinion, now a large part college grad at Indonesian still entrepreneurship weak minded. Meanwhile plays favorites little already have entrepreneurship soul, generally because indigenous entrepreneur or commerce family. In fact points out that entrepreneur is constitute soul who can be studied and is taught. Someone that have entrepreneur's soul generally have potency as entrepreneur but not surety becomes entrepreneur, and entrepreneur generally have entrepreneur's soul. Process learning that constitute business incubator gets this technology basis is designed as effort for synergy theory (20%) and Practice (80%) of area interest sort acquired knowledge deep technological area & industrial. Incubator carries on business this was made as center of learning activity with atmosphere carries on business that
To the effect innovation implementation of incubator activity carries on business to get this technology basis is grow to develop entrepreneur's soul divides college student as participant be taught. Meanwhile acquired benefit for institution is being reached of it institution mission in build technopreneurship's generation and increases it relevancy among universalizes education with world industrial. Meanwhile benefit for job partner be been interlaced it collaboration carries on business and education. This collaboration is developed deep products substantive business form a sort that have market economy potency that high enough.
Process globalization that be happens currently, strove for Indonesian economics change from resourced based goes to knowledge based. Resource based who rely wealth and natural resources diversity generally result basic commodity with value added that little. One of knowledge based economy's creation key is mark sense technology entrepreneurs or abbreviated by techno preneur who blazes the way to new carry on business by relies on innovation. High tech business constitutes to sample business classic that blazed the way by technopreneurs.
World technological business current dominated by information technology sector, biotechnology and significant new and various effort development that based innovates technology. Developed technological business with marks sense synergy among technopreneur as designer of business, College and research institute as center as new technological innovation, and venture's capital firm that have interest in finance.
Total small medium enterprise gets technology basis (UKMT) at efflorescence Indonesia with quick. This increasing trend more impelled by opportunity the limited job at big industries because economic crisis influence and its appearance beginnings technopreneurship among graduated tech higher education.
In face globalization era, emulation will get tights, so indispensable policies and straightforward activities that can increase UKMT'S competitiveness at coming. Handicap and interference on UKMT at Indonesian deep develop its effort is its frail marketing band, technological support and the limited about capital. Most even more, for initiate entrepreneur, this problem will visually be even greater and become size able constraint in develop its effort.
Until currently haven't a lot of commanding institution and also private what do get to give support face to face for UKMT'S development in particular for initiate entrepreneur. So indispensable a container who can give direct support as facility that can help UKMT notably help initiate entrepreneur in performs and develop its effort.
In order to terminological and helping and backing up directly UKMT'S activity in particular initiate entrepreneur activity, therefore is seen really needs to get builds a container that have facility who can back up directly operational activity, promotion, marketing, productions technological consultation, investment and about capital. With marks sense that facility, expected by UKMT in particular initiate entrepreneur at Indonesian gets to develop its faster effort and directed.
Gazing future meaning to get things square the rising generation that have amorousness to learning and constitutes soul health therapy for nation child, hopefully appearance it generation technopreneurship can give solution on about problem total aughts intellectual unemployment current. Besides can also become arena to increase SDM'S quality in IPTEK'S mastery, so we can get things square reliable energy intermediate by global competition. beginning of yourself for has done something utility to create our education can better and qualified, since it will concern our children future and also Indonesian Nation.
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Recession fears hit stock markets
![]() Concerns are increasing over the scale of the slowdown. |
European and Asian markets have fallen sharply on fears that the world economy will enter a protracted slump.
The slide comes after the Dow Jones share index in New York fell to its lowest level in five years.
London's FTSE 100 index fell 1.6%%, with mining shares hardest hit. French and German markets also lost ground.
In Asia, Japan's Nikkei index ended 6.8% lower and Hong Kong's main index fell more than 4%.
The FTSE 100 was down 63.13 points at 3,942.5 points after falling almost 5% on Wednesday. Germany's Dax index lost 3.4%, while France's Cac 40 shed 2.8%.
![]() | ![]() ![]() Miles Remington, BNP Paribas Securities |
Mining shares were among the biggest losers on fears that demand for steel and other raw materials will be hit as the economy slows.
Steel giant Arcelor-Mittal lost 6% and Vedanta Resources lost almost 10%.
Likewise, oil prices fell for a fifth straight day to approach $50 a barrel.
Data showing Japan's exports to Asia dropped in October for the first time since 2002 added to fears over the scale of the economic downturn.
On Wednesday, the Dow Jones index fell 5% to below 8000 after the US central bank slashed its economic growth forecasts for 2009.
Depressed outlook
The BBC's Duncan Bartlett in Tokyo says several East Asian countries - including Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong - are already in recession and the thought that the US may be about to join them has been enough to send shares tumbling across the region.
Bad news from the US has worried Japanese firms like Toyota and Nintendo which usually depend on American consumers for much of their profit, our correspondent adds.
"We've gone past the poor sentiment stage," Miles Remington, head of Asian sales trading at BNP Paribas Securities in Hong Kong, told the Associated Press news agency.
"People are looking for any kind of positive and there are just no positives out there. Everyone seems to be united in the depressed global outlook. Whether it's commodities or equities, everything seems to be on a downturn."
US slowdown
On Wednesday, the US Federal Reserve said the country's gross domestic product - the value of all goods and services - could be flat or grow only marginally this year, and might shrink in 2009.
It said positive economic growth was only likely to return in 2010 and predicted further interest rate cuts might be necessary.
Month-on-month US consumer prices fell by 1% in October - the biggest drop in 60 years - which has reinforced fears of rapid slowdown.
From : BBC
G20'S states Looks For Way Outs of Crisises
This was disclosed as Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega in Washington, Sunday (12/10/2008), as quoted from Bloomberg.
"Countries in the G-20 need to be more intelligent, and changed quickly so it can exit from the crisis," he said.
The statement issued after the countries G-7 promised to reduce the crisis and save the banks from the main bankruptcy.
In addition, the countries members of the G-20 will use all capabilities to ensure the economic and financial markets to remain stable and smooth. These countries will meet again on 8-9 November 2008 in Sao Paulo.
The countries members of the G-20 is among Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, China, Cuba, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
Market share in Indonesia, Russia, and Ukraine have experienced the suspension of trade week yesterday due to the crisis caused by U.S. sub-prime mortgage defaults due to banks and companies in the world.
Policymakers from Reykjavik to Sao Paulo is trying to overcome the threat of bankruptcy stock market.
"Now we face a global crisis, and it must be faced by all countries," said Mantega
Online Shop Effort Opportunity
Besides since their amount that know Internet increases, also because a lot of media and online learning
container marketing. EBooks about Internet business more and more. Internet marketing courses pop up. Not to
mention mass media reportage for business agent to get online basis. Myself and my team have once at account
for Magazine SELF, Entrepreneur magazine, MONEY magazine, Magazine Carries On Business Us, Kontan's
tabloid, Post's Baleful newspaper, etc.
Online Shop effort opportunity is one of effort opportunity that You can try. Online shop that my intention a.
website who utilized by business agent to market its product. Product can as goods or service. But, at this
writing I want more in focus on goods product.
How that success at online shop effort?
How much online shop at Indonesian one has once You see? Get what within they what do success? Are not all
successful be not?
Key Successfully To Build Online Shop
1. Building Team
Want some big You online shop, build team suitably. If gets strength capital, recruit competent men. If was
bigamous, You can make wife as team You. Men near You (you) can also become Your team. Giving work to
person near can become spiritual's force that makes You success
Otherwise enables to build team, single-handed beginning. You can crawl of down until You can and readily
recruit firm team
Without team, effort we won't amends and get long-lasting
2. Making Website who Sells
Website is promotion main pillar Online Shop. You shall have website own. Are not webbed free. Better gets
.com's suffix or .net, since it already popular at society. Domain hosting's annual cost just Rp 200.000
Your Website shall can sell. website's mean You that shall can represent Your to become sales that entices to
divide buyer. Your Website shall can make sure that visitor You reasonably being asked out transact. Attach
clear address and telephone number that easy being contacted. Attach product photograph and other
photographs that make visitor getting believe with You
Your Website that record shall at search engine, and is easily to be found for keyword what do be engaged Your
product. Utilize script online shop that search engine friendly. Are not all script friendly online shop with search
engine. In consequence, I prefer to utilize blog to sell online than script is inhospitable with search engine. And I
perceive blog match for initiate. Even less for product what does its prices at a price and can't straightforward
online orders. Can also blog becomes supporting web for You online shop
3. Correct promotion
Who is Your consumer candidate? Where will You find them? Fast trick and correct find consumer is from search
engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Here the importance for SEO (search engine optimization)
The other promotion is at row advertising, advertising at webbed one a lot of its visitor, PPC or community even
online. Indeed has to come back Who Your Consumer Candidate!
4. Service
Do good one service. Service rate one of main key. Get partner with abiding goods dispatch service. Product
warranty also essential. If Your effort wax, form firm team.
5. Entrepreneur mental Success
Online shop effort is equal another effort. Have successful entrepreneur mental, for example:
* Prohibition gives up. At business whatever, constraint must there is.
* Patient. Product You may in demand at day one, maybe also at first year
* Brave to face jeopardy. Jeopardy must there is. Stay how we face it
* Ever be look for opportunity. May become Your first business unsuccessful. But it is not final everything,
cannikin? Online shop effort opportunity stills a lot of. Please sought for opportunity which correspond to You
6. Studying one needs it.
Role as what does You want at You online shop? That is that has You to study. You shan't study the whole lot.
E.g., You want to market product. One that needs You to study marketing's Internet and basic makes webs /
blog (shan't html's pro). Other areas, can You turn over to Your team (goods production, dispatch, offline
promotion, etc.)
7. Have done Good and charitable
Well-doing and contribution tithes straight equal with profit Your effort. It was borne out at Innocent Book.
Money that we issues will reply tens, even hundreds times over. Can day it also, front year or minimal at
eternity. Myself have proven it. And it applies for all business.
Then, actually gets what opportunity production potency online shop effort this? Whew, if this pending product,
sell and how You develop to carry on business that. To You already get online business, must can estimate. To
You that haven't online business, even believe that its potency outside Your estimate now
Stocks surge after China stimulus
![]() Japan saw one of Monday's biggest early bounces |
Asian markets have risen sharply, a day after China announced a huge investment plan to kick-start its slowing economy.
Stocks leapt in Japan, China and Hong Kong, buoyed by China's efforts to sustain its growth rates, on which many Asian economies depend.
About $586bn (£370bn) is to go into housing, infrastructure and post-earthquake reconstruction in China over the next two years.
Correspondents say the package is a response to falling growth and exports.
There will also be significant cuts in company tax, while banks will be allowed to lend more to projects involving rural development and technical innovation.
The government also promised a shift to a "moderately easy" monetary policy.
"The investment expansion should be done swiftly and forcefully," a State Council meeting chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao concluded.
Market bounce
Chinese stocks rose sharply, with the Shanghai Composite Index rising 5% initially and turnover there almost doubling.
![]() Chinese exports have been a key driver of the economy |
Companies likely to benefit most from the government's investment plans did best, including banking, steel and construction firms.
Japan's Nikkei stock index jumped 5.49% by the lunch break on Monday as investors welcomed a Wall Street rally, a weaker yen and China's economic package.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark index was up 5.6% by late morning.
Factory closures across the border in southern China have badly depressed China's manufacturing sector.
In Seoul, the market held steady despite growing worries about the car market in the US and its likely impact on South Korean manufacturing exports.
Commodity cuts?
Analysts said the stimulus package would not save China from the effects of the global financial slowdown, but could help to protect it.
![]() | ![]() ![]() Dominique Strauss-Kahn |
China, and Asian economies who increasingly depend on it as an export market, had become used to double digit growth figures.
In the third quarter of this year, growth slipped to 9% its lowest level in five years.
Analysts said that though this might be considered healthy elsewhere, the fall is taken as a worrying sign in China where the government has relied on rapid growth to maintain political stability.
The Chinese government has cut interest rates twice in recent weeks, and began considering ways to avert a more dramatic economic slowdown in October.
These included measures to stimulate the property market, prompt construction of low-cost housing, and increasing export rebates on thousands of products.
State media reported that the government was therefore ready to "map out more forceful measures to expand domestic demand", including "massive" infrastructure spending.
"It's a huge package," Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, was quoted as saying by Reuters after a meeting of the Group of 20 finance officials in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
"It will have an influence not only on the world economy in supporting demand but also a lot of influence on the Chinese economy itself, and I think it is good news for correcting imbalances."
President Hu Jintao is to travel to Washington later this week for a global economic summit meeting.